The police in any country can say whether in a democratic dispensation or in a dictatorship is considered as the first point of contact in the administration of Justice.

We are writing you this open letter because of our concern that some unscrupulous men of the force are hell bent on truncating the Renewed Hope Agenda of the President as regard the administration of Justice that emphasizes that the dignity of the human person must be at all time be regarded as sacrosanct and your avowed commitment to the rule of law by your men at all times.

We are compel for the sake of Justice to urgently bring to your attention the case of one Shittu Rasak Adeola of Ekiti state who is a very popular community member who recently lost his life to police brutality and his main offence was that he was an innocent bystander.

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His ordeal really began when he unknowingly congratulated a friend who he thought through hard work bought a car, a practice known to be a norm all over the country but upon discovering that his guess was wrong, he promptly reported the incident to the authorities leading to his friend he congratulated for buying a car being arrested.

However in an unfathomable twist, the police detained Shittu and tortured him in a brutal manner that led to his untimely death during interrogation.

Shittu Adeola was arrested on Friday 23th of September 2024. His family and lawyers were denied access to see him all through the week days, a clear violation of the police acts, his lawyers were informed on Monday, 23rd September 2024 that he had died.

According to sources close to the case, officers; SP T J.Ogidan(second in command, Ekiti state RRS), Officer Ariyo whose rank is unknown, The IPO in charge, Officer Ilori and their commanding officer CSP Marcus, were in charge of the case.

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Their involvement has raised concern due to their past record of brutalizing citizens who for one reason or the other are detained in their stations leading to many injuries and death.

We are bringing this case before you because of our belief that in a democracy this is unaccepted and a flagrant violations of the laws of the land and Justice.

We are appealing to you, to immediately set up an enquiry to investigate the process that led to the death of the said Shittu Rasak Adeola and the said police officers to unravelled their personal or collective involvement in the brutality that claimed the live of this innocent citizen of the country.

We do not believe the story of the police which claim that Shittu died because of the fracas he had with the inmates of the cell at the police station even though when it is, the police must take responsibility for his death.

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We are writing you because of the trust we have in you as the leader of the force in our country and this is because your records shows that you are one of our finest officers.

You must use this particular case to show that the police force of today have no place for brutality, but a force committed to human rights and the dignity of the human beings.

This will go a long way to instil discipline in the rank and file of the force and a deterrence to those in future who would think that brutality still have a place in the force.

We are waiting for your urgent action, please.

Long live the Police Force
Long live the Federal Republic of Nigeria.

Hon John Lawal

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