Universal Love, Forgiveness are the key to Nigeria problems ……… Archbishop Irefin




Archbishop David Irefin is a Professor of Economics ordained an Archbishop in the Brotherhood of the Cross and Star by Leader Olumba Olumba Obu in 2017. In this interview with OYIBO SALIHU in Lokoja, Kogi State, Professor Irefin says Absence of love will never allow our political and religious leaders achieve any meaningful thing in Nigeria until we all possess Love and imbibe the spirit of Forgiveness.


Why is Leader Olumba Olumba Obu always emphasizes on Love?

Let it be known to all that this era is that of the Holy Spirit. The Father is here, our Lord Jesus Christ is here and the Holy Spirit is also here.
All the hosts of heaven are here. For this reason, all the inhabitants of this world are required to possess love.

Let all go and practice love towards one another and He will reveal Himself to us. You have never been told that drunkards, liars, thieves, fornicators, tribalist, haters of truth, murderers and corrupt individuals will see God. Such persons can never see God.

If you therefore love one another, it means that you love Him and has obeyed His commandments, and He in turn will love you and His Father will love you and He will reveal Himself to you. Thus, people should stop asking where they can find God, just obey Him and love one another as commanded and He will come unto you and you will see Him.

In the Brotherhood of the Cross and Star, Love is king. What is the meaning of Love?

The Almighty God who created the heavens and earth has only one law. This is the reason why our Lord Jesus Christ taught His disciples that they should love one another as He loved them. Though many people have erroneously and ignorantly think and believe that there are many commandments and laws but the Holy Spirit has revealed in this last advent the existence of only one commandment. John 13:34-35 “A new commandment I give unto you, that ye love one another; as I have loved you, that ye also love one another- 35 By this shall all men know that ye are my disciples, if ye have love one to another”

According to the Holy Spirit personified Leader Olumba Olumba Obu there is only one God, one Lord and we all humans are brethren. God is love. The Father is love, our Lord Jesus Christ is Love the Holy Spirit is love. That is why it is said that the Father, Son and the Holy Spirit are one. That is also why our Lord Jesus Christ said, “I and My Father are one”. The real meaning of LOVE IS ONENESS.

This means regarding every other person as yourself irrespective of age, gender, colour or social status. Leader Olum Olumba Obu, has emphasised that God regards every person in the world as same whether you are a man, woman, white, black, young, old, rich, poor, high or low. God has no distinction among persons.

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No distinction between man and woman, animals and human beings. Our Lord Jesus Christ regards every person as Himself and that is why He came and gave His life for the whole world. If you have love, you will not indulge in any vice or commit any sin, this is because love doeth no ill to his neighbour.

Love is patience, kind, long suffering and merciful. Love does not envy, is not jealous, selfish, and proud and thinks no evil. In fact, love is power and life. Love is wisdom of truth, love is our Lord Jesus Christ, love is God and when you have love, you will have everything in this world. This is the reason why love is core in Olumba’s teachings and practice.

It is said in the scriptures, in the last days all churches will be united. This means that if we have love, one towards another we will be united. Our LORD Jesus Christ says, love one another as I have love you. He has not said we should love only our kind that is, only people of our race or denomination or tribe.

He has also not said we should love only those who love us. He said we should not discriminate; we should not hate, that we should also come together as one and live in Love. Though, religions have been here for long, what remains of them is to practice love which is the golden rule.

What consequence will the people face when they refuse to have love?

All the troubles and problems in the world result from the absence of love. Do what you wish or want in the world without love, there will be no progress and peace anywhere in the world. Absence of love is the destruction and death being currently experience in the world. For instance, look at what absence of love has done in our country. There are chaos, woes, and crisis everywhere. Look at insecurity, hunger, poverty, threat of wars, suffering and division everywhere. Absence of love will never allow our political and religious leaders achieve any meaningful thing in Nigeria.

This situation will remain or get worse until we all possess love. This is because God always hands over those who lack love to angels for punishment.

Forgiveness is one of the foundation Everlasting Gospel given by His Holiness Olumba Olumba. What is forgiveness?

The Holy Spirit says that even if you do not give unto works of the flesh such as: adultery, fornication, stealing, witchcraft, hatred, envy and other vices but you fail to forgive others their sins against you, then, you are lost. Though you practice all other gospels and fail to forgive one another, you are lost and the kingdom of God will certainly elude you.

Leader Olumba Olumba Obu, emphasises the relevance of forgiveness, when He says that, whatsoever a person does to you, you must forgive. For instance, if a person calls you a thief, murderer or steals from you, kills your relation or a member of your family, you are not to count sin on such a person.

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You must forgive and forget. Even if somebody commits adultery with your wife, impregnates your daughter, burnt down your house and destroys your property, you are duty bound to forgive and forget.

If Nigerians and the entire world want to prosper and live in peace the short cut is to forgive all those who have offended us. If the political, religious, and traditional leaders can key into forgiveness as a way of life and practice it, then, suffering, insecurity, woes, lamentation and death will no longer be experienced anywhere in our country.

This is the basis for the saying of our Lord Jesus Christ in the scriptures to humanity “so likewise; shall my heavenly Father do unto you if you from you heart forgives not everyone his brother their trespasses” and again, His said in Mathew 6:12”and forgive us our debts, as we forgive our debtors”.

The implications is, if you do not forgive others their trespasses and offences against you, God will surely retain your own trespasses likewise. Can you now see the reason for our present predicament as a people or nation? Leader Olumba, has consistently maintained that if you are so righteous and practiced all the teachings of our Lord Jesus Christ but fail to bow to forgiveness, suffering will not only be your portion but, salvation will surely elude you.

Why is it imperative for people to imbibe the spirit of forgiveness?

Forgiveness is key to salvation and life eternal. If we learn to forgive, we will be filled with light and this light will lead us to practise more righteousness. Darkness will never prevail in the land; all ailments and tribulation will flee from us. Let us humble ourselves and practise forgiveness because this covers all other commandments thereby obtaining justification by grace from God.

If we can practice this injunction, the human family will realize that the sins against the Ten Commandments which constitute the long route to salvation will be no more because when we forgive one another, God will forgive us and we will pass through the short route to salvation.

This is the reason why our Lord Jesus Christ, while on the cross said that those who initiated His crucifixion be forgiven by His Father God, because they never knew what they did. What sin is greater than that committed against Him? Yet He asked the Father to forgive His accusers and enemies.

Do not forget that those who crucified Him did not come forward to beg for forgiveness before He said these words. If we can practice forgiveness, it is the duty of God to avenge for us, and not for us alone but He avenges also for the rats, goats, tress, birds and the whole humanity if only we keep to this injunction. God will do the same in the exact measures for you.

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The entire world is filled with sins but because of our Lord of Jesus Christ, God forgave the entire world. Therefore, all those who now impute sins on others have crucified our Lord Jesus Christ the second time. Such people have rejected life and must be consumed with afflictions and suffering in multiform form. James 2:13 “For he shall have judgment without mercy, that hath shewed no mercy; and mercy rejoiceth against judgment”

The entire humanity must know that we are saved by grace and this grace is obtained by forgiving others. The word forgiveness sounds so small but it is the greatest work of God. Forgiveness means forgetting those things which are behind. That is forgetting all the offences and sins committed against you by others. Philippians 3: 13 “Brethren, I count not myself to have apprehended: but this one thing I do, forgetting those things which are behind, and reaching forth unto those things which are before”

Once we key into forgiveness all our troubles and problems will be over, peace, joy prospering and life everlasting will be experienced by all. So whatsoever is your position in life or before God if you fail to forgive your enemies, you have failed woefully Roman 12:19. “Dearly beloved, avenge not yourselves, but rather give place unto wrath: for it is written, Vengeance is mine; I will repay saith the Lord” Let us all know and become conscious of this fact that it is the duty of God to avenge for all.

Let it be clear to all that whatever one does to someone, God will do the same in the exact measure to that person. God is the Father to us all. He is your Father, the Father of your enemies, your household, friends and others.

We all have God as our Father. Thus, when somebody sins, He/she exposes him/herself to the vengeance of God. He does not have a special love for anyone whereby He gives concessions. None, is He a respecter of persons. He judges in righteousness. Therefore, all those who will fail to forgive will automatically because victims of His judgement and vengeance.

Finally, the Spiritual Head of the Brotherhood of the Cross and Star, His Holiness Olumba OLumba Obu is inviting all creation to be part of His end of time Mega event Titled: The Divine Numbering of the Elects Scheduled to take place at the Brotherhood of the Cross and Star World Headquarters, 34 Ambo Street, Calabar, from April 3 to 9, 2023.

This all-important Mega event will feature the Restoration of the twelve Powers of Man, lost at the garden of Eden when Adam disobeyed God. All are invited to have themselves restored and reunited back to the Father, The God Head.


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