Invest in your children education, Council Boss charge parents



The Executive Chairman, Okehi local government area of Kogi state Abdulrahim Ohiare has charged parents to prioritize the education of their children in order to give them better and brigther future.

Hon. Ohiare gave the charge on Saturday during the graduation ceremony of a fast growing college the , Jama’atul Muslimeen College located at Eika-Ohizenyi community in Okehi Local Government Area.

Ohiare who is also the chairman of the occasion said the only tangible and everlasting legacy parents can bequeathe to their children and wards is sound education from basic to tertiary institution.

He added that though the world today is passing through economic hardship , but advised parents to redouble their effort to ensure that they give sound and better education through prompt payment of school fees and other fees to enable the children acquired good grades at the end of their graduation.

The council chairman commended the management of the college for their effort in moulding the children in both Islamic and western education, stressing that such effort guaranteed a peaceful society.

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In his remark, the Chief Host of the occasion, Mallam Baba Nasir Adinoyi stated that whatever parents acquired without giving sound education to their children, it amount to nothing and therefore appealed to parents to prioritize the funding of their children education to make them better citizens in future.

Adinoyi also urged the graduated students to seek skill acquisition before they proceed for further studies to enable them become entrepreneurs in future.

The principal of the college Mallam Sadiq Mohammad Jamiu in his welcome address appealed for support from individual and corporate organizations in the areas of provision of fencing, ICT centre, library and laboratory to enhance the performance of the college, noting that the outstanding performance of the first set of students of the college during WAEC/NECO examinations was due to commitment of the management and staff of the college.

“I also encourage the parents to strive hard in paying their children school fees so that the college can maintain its standard in learning and moulding of students characters.

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“Our graduands of 2021 performed creditably in both WAEC and NECO examinations. So what the school need now is support from individual, government and corporate organizations to assist us in establishing standard laboratories, ICT centre, Library and fencing of the school.

“I am also using this medium to commend and appreciate the materials support the Saudi Embassy in Nigeria has been rendering to us” he said.

In his speech , the outgoing Headboy of the college Suleiman Bin Ali commended the late Imam; Alhaji Bello Bin Musa who out of love for the community established the school to bring quality and standard Islamic and western education to the people of Eika-Ohizenyi community, saying the community will forever remain eternally grateful to him.

While lamenting on the nonchalant attitude of some parents toward the payment of their children school fees, the outgoing Headboy , commended the staff and teachers of the college for their tireless effort in ensuring that their students acquired standard education, noting that the good result of 2021 graduands had really shown that the teachers were up and doing and needed to be encouraged.


Bin Ali who also appreciated the support of Saudi Embassy in Nigeria, appealed to the Embassy to invest in the education of Eika-Ohizenyi community through issuance of scholarships to the best outgone and outgoing students of the college.

The Proprietor of the college in an interview with Journalists shortly after the occasion , said the aim and objective of establishing the citadel of learning by the late Imam, Alhaji Musa Bello has been achieved , saying the college had churned out graduates that are not only worthy in character and learning , but were able to graduate with requisite results that can conveniently secure them admission into university of their choice.

He noted that “In the whole of Kogi central we have the lowest school fees and I am appealing to parents and guardians to pay school fees as at when due so that their children and wards can enjoy quality education” he pleaded.


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